May 17, 2016

The Beauty Inside 뷰티 인사이드 2015 - South Korea

The Beauty Inside (뷰티 인사이드) is a 2015 South Korean romance film from first time film director, Baek Jong Yul. As a director whose career only spanned commercial advertisements previous to this film, I am extremely impressed with his ability to direct and create such a wonderful film to watch. The Beauty Inside is actually based off of a 2012 American "social film" released by Intel and Toshiba that included interactive storytelling for viewers. Upon the release of the South Korean film, it had already pre-sold its distribution rights to 11 other Asian countries. I absolutely loved this film...lets see why!

May 10, 2016

The Ring リング 1998- Japan I BOOK VS. MOVIE

Welcome to one of Lights, Camera, Asia's newest content! Having been mentioned through out our site, today we bring you our FIRST movie vs. book review! If this review receives a lot of positive feedback, we will try to do these more often! So sit back and enjoy our review on the 1998 Japanese horror flick The Ring (リング ) versus the novel of the same name by Koji Suzuki. 

May 3, 2016

Quick Update!!

We are so sorry for the lack of updates lately! We have been working behind the scenes in hopes of bring some exciting new content and ideas to the site :) 

In the meantime, please let us know what you want to see on Lights, Camera, Asia! Do you want to see more movie reviews, drama reviews, book vs. movie reviews or something totally different?? LET US KNOW! 

Check back next week for new content!
