Lights, Camera, Asia
WHITNEY- Founder
Hi There!! My name is Whitney, and I graduated with a BA in Film. I am so happy to be able to bring East Asian cinema and dramas to many readers.
East Asia has always been a great interest of mine. Growing up, I was always watching Anime, and as I became older I started slowing watching every foreign film/tv show I could get my hands on. Thanks to Kaitlyn, I became even more interested in Korea after she introduced me to Super Junior, a KPOP group, and Boys over Flowers (KDrama) Afterwards, it was all down hill from a GOOD way!
During college, my interests continued to grow and I became involved in a Korean Culture Club (which I eventually was president of) where I met many great friends from the US and Asia. I graduated with a minor in the Japanese language, and self taught myself Korean. I was very to lucky to be able to visit Hong Kong, as well as study abroad not only in Japan for a summer, but also South Korea for a year. I hope to eventually be able to visit China and so many other countries as well.
I hope Lights, Camera, Asia will educate you on films you have never seen and rekindle love for films you might not have watched in a very long time. I plan to review the good, the bad, and the ugly of any and all films I am capable of watching!
East Asia has always been a great interest of mine. Growing up, I was always watching Anime, and as I became older I started slowing watching every foreign film/tv show I could get my hands on. Thanks to Kaitlyn, I became even more interested in Korea after she introduced me to Super Junior, a KPOP group, and Boys over Flowers (KDrama) Afterwards, it was all down hill from a GOOD way!
During college, my interests continued to grow and I became involved in a Korean Culture Club (which I eventually was president of) where I met many great friends from the US and Asia. I graduated with a minor in the Japanese language, and self taught myself Korean. I was very to lucky to be able to visit Hong Kong, as well as study abroad not only in Japan for a summer, but also South Korea for a year. I hope to eventually be able to visit China and so many other countries as well.
I hope Lights, Camera, Asia will educate you on films you have never seen and rekindle love for films you might not have watched in a very long time. I plan to review the good, the bad, and the ugly of any and all films I am capable of watching!
Hi everyone! My name is Kaitlyn and I have known Whitney for a
long, long time (like forever).
A little bit about me.....hmm, let's see. First of all, I have
been interested in Asian media and culture since I was a young girl. It started
with anime (Japanese animation, for those of you not familiar with the term;
pronounced AH-nee-meh) and progressed from there. For many years I was really
only interested in Japan, but because of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, I became
fascinated with Korean music (K-pop). Now, I'm sure you're wondering, 'How did
she get to K-pop from China?' Well, the short answer is one of the Chinese
artists who participated in the songs at the opening ceremony was a member of
Korean boy band, Super Junior. The rest, as they say, is history.
I was instantly mesmerized by Korean music and TV shows, and
eventually carried my love over into film and culture. The more I have learned
about Korea, the more enchanted I have become. Within the past few years, I
have also found a love for Chinese and Taiwanese culture.
Additionally, since my first year of college, I have been a
volunteer with an organization for international students. It has truly been a
blessing to be able to interact with so many people from so many different
countries. I am also a private tutor for international students. So far, I have
had students from Korea, Japan and Turkey. So, it's to safe to say that I love
all things international.
As for my education, I have a BA in International Arts &
Culture and a Minor in Hispanic Studies. I have traveled to 10 different
countries (sadly, none of them in Asia...yet) and lived in Spain as part of a
study abroad program in college. I love to travel and learn new things. My
ultimate goal is to live abroad and teach English as a second language.

So about me, I got my BA in International Studies and Anthropology and I minored in Japanese. My area of focus was East Asia. I was first introduced to Asia via a friend of mine in Middle School and it’s been an obsession ever since.
I love the culture, music, TV, books, food, history, and language of East Asia. I started off with Japan, as that was the first country I was introduced to, in Middle School. I started taking Japanese classes in High School and wanted to continue my education in College. When I went to college I added on China since my East Asian studies major was geared a lot towards China (Japan as well). I tried to take a two Koreas class in college but it was cancelled. I was really upset about this because I wanted to get to know Korea as well (Driven mainly by Kdrama and the movie 200 Pound Beauty). Then I met Whitney and my love for Korea expanded.
My goals in life are to travel far, live healthy and happy, see and learn all that I can, and survive the zombie apocalypse. I am hoping to one day live abroad teaching English