Like Father, Like Son is a thought-provoking film about the Nonomiya family, made up of Ryota (Masaharu Fukuyama), the successful businessmen who focuses more on work than family, Midori, his wife, and their adorable 6 year old son, Keita. Ryota is strong-willed and wants his son to follow in his foot steps, that is until the hospital calls the family with news that their son was switch at birth.They must make a life changing decision to either keep the boy they have been raising as their own, or switch the child for their biological son.
The Nonomiya family is soon introduce to the Saiki family, a family of five, including their son, Ryusei. Compared to the Nonomiyas, the Saiki family are small town folks, with much less money. However, they seem to understand relationships with their children far better than Ryota does.
I very much enjoyed this film.With such a heartbreaking storyline, there is so much more to this film. As an audience, we are not only introduce to two families facing a decision that they may never get over, but we are also introduced to a deeper storyline about father and son relationships. This film is beautifully directed , and uses such simple elements to keep the film engaging through out. The film is shot mainly through the eyes of Ryota, the father who just can't seem to make a connection with him family. He is very emotionless, and not very sentimental. Like you may imagine, it follows him in finally realizing the importance of showing affection as a father figure.
The parents begin realize that even though they have made connections with their true sons and vice versa, it is quite clear it has been very difficult on the children.
What makes a family? Blood or time spent together?
In a very climactic scene, Ryota finally comes to terms with this question in a beautifully shot scene of him chasing after his son, Keita, down two paths that run parallel. He begs his son for forgiveness and expresses the emotions he never has shown before. By having the two walking on parallel paths, it signifies their relationship that they have recently have. However, the paths come to an end and father and son are soon reunited. Their paths finally cross.
The film ends with both families entering a house. It does not tell us if they decide to switch back, but one can assume that is what happens. One can also assume, that both families become close. By ending the film this way, it leaves a happy feeling in your stomach. For such a serious topic, to be able to end the film on a positive note, is an amazing thing to do.
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