August 3, 2016

Uncontrollably Fond 함부로 애틋하게 2016- Korea EP. 3 Review

Seeing you again will be as painful as being stabbed to death but let’s give it a shot anyway, and see what happens


We start episode 3 where episode 2 left off with No Eul collapsing on the ground and Shin Joon running after her. He pulls her into his arms and tries to wake her up.

No Eul wakes up in a hospital with an IV. Some guy is standing over her, it’s Shin Joon’s manager. Shin Joon called him to watch her while Shin Joon goes to a birthday party for Kim Yoo Na and delivers flowers. He sings her a beauty song while playing the piano. Are these two dating? He keeps thinking about No Eul, slams his hands on the piano and leaves. Kim Yoo Na follows him outside – she likes him but he likes No Eul.

No Eul goes to leave the hospital and the manager stops her asking if she is going to sue. No Eul asks what he takes her for – she looks really sick here guys. The manager gives money to No Eul, she accuses him of taking 50 million Won and makes him take her home. They argue about coke for a while.

Stopping the car, she sees men taking her things. They shove her and ask her to pay them back. These must be those loan sharks. They took her security deposit from the place she was living so now she has no place to live. They threaten to kill her and No Eul tells them to just kill her then.

Cut to Shin Joon and his mother. He asks her what kind of mom would leave her sleeping child on the street and she tells him that her son died five years ago. Wow, harsh. He asks her to play with him – okay? She calls Gook Young and tells him to take Shin Joon away. We see her walking into her apartment next without Shin Joon. She walks into his old room and opens the book that Shin Joon’s dad gave him.

Shin Joon ends up drinking the coke that No Eul spit into. The manager starts talking about her crazy life and the loan sharks. They talk about the documentary again with Shin Joon just turning up the music louder. To get his attention, the manager says he saw No Eul walking towards to Han river to kill herself. Shin Joon turns off the music, and makes his manager get out of the car.

Shin Joon calls a friend to meet up. After they get off the phone, he hears his manager talking in his head and he comes to a stop in the middle of the road. He turns around and starts looking for her – back and forth along the bridge until her sees her but it’s not her jut some crazy fan.

About to give up, he sees her this time and continues to drive past her. No Eul, oblivious, calls her brother and scolds him about what he is eating. The ajusshi that we don’t know yet, answers the phone. Seriously, who is this guy? They ask her to make sure she is eating well and her brother gets mad at her because she has no pride. The brother jokes about the ajusshi being his brother-in-law and then we cut back to No Eul.

She’s getting pretty close to the edge, leaning over and looking down. Flash back to Shin Joon turning No Eul around and catching her defacing the picture of the prosecutor. No Eul tries to run away and trips. Does Shin Joon recognize her? Do they recognize each other? He asks her if she’s eaten and says he hasn’t eaten at all.

They go to eat noodles. Shin Joon mentions that is has been 4 years since they’ve seen each other. I guess they do recognize each other. He asks her when she came back and she ignores him. He tells her that he got into college and passed the bar and it’s all because she said he couldn’t do it. It was because she wasn’t around and that’s why he studied so much. He says it’s her fault if he becomes a prosecutor.

No Eul gets up and says she’s going to the bathroom, but ends up leaving. Shin Joon throws his shoe at her and calls her a criminal. He takes her ID card to prevent her from running away. They play a monkey in the middle type game and No Eul calls the police. Shin Joon tells her she can be sentenced to jail for two years and pay a fine for defacing the poster, that gets her attention. He takes the phone and goes to report it, but No Eul hangs up. No Eul asks what he wants her to do, he says he’ll pretend he didn’t see it if she goes out with him.

Scene to them walking towards the police station. Apparently she would rather go to jail then be his girlfriend. She can’t bring herself to go in and asks if they are just going to pretend to date. This aggravates Shin Joon and he goes to walk in but No Eul prevents him.

Cut to some couple arguing in a café. How is this relevant? She likes him and he doesn’t like her. Apparently they went on a date but he only went because she said she would lend him money. Shin Joon walks in and says he used to date the girl and wouldn’t have let her go if he knew she’d become so glamorous. Cut to the park where she is doing sit ups and Shin Joon is holding her feet. He asks her about Eul and says she would do anything for money. She tells him she does not go to college because she can’t afford it and asks him not to bother her like he did in high school.

No Eul is stumbling at night and she kicks a box. She hurts her foot – silly No Eul – and keeps on walking. Next we see Shin Joon riding a bike. He stops to see his dad who is running for some position. The announcer is telling everyone how kind and great he is. Shin Joon looks sad? Angry? Confused? All of these emotions?

He goes to continue riding and falls off his bike. We see the ajusshi (but younger) with some girl named Ha Ru.  He apologizes before running off and the girl remarks about how handsome he is and how she wants to marry him (girl that's your half-brother). The ajusshi is named Ji Tae – we find out from a lady who calls out to him. She asks when they are going to be married. Her name is Jung Eun. Flashback to the congressman and the prosecutor arguing that the witness saw Jung Eun’s license plate. The congressman bribes the prosecutor to take care of this situation. Ji Tae overhears everything.

We see No Eul protesting Ji Tae’s father and Ji Tae watching her because he knows the truth. We see No Eul volunteering and handing out fliers – for the proescutor’s rival and we see her hand a flier to Shin Joon’s mother who says she will be voting for the prosecutor. No Eul stares at Jung Eun, it looks like she recognizes her. But no, there was just an eyelash.

Shin Joon calls No Eul and we see her running as fast as she can. A girl is confessing to Shin Joon and she says she will fix everything for her. He says he has a girlfriend, just as No Eul shows up and says she is his girlfriend. She takes it over the top calling him her Snuggly bear. It’s such a funny scene with cheek grabbing and cute voices. He grabs her really fast saying how much he missed her.
No Eul threatens the girl who was confessing thoroughly scaring her.

We see No Eul on the steps and Shin Joon approaches. He gives her a drink and lays down on her lap. He asks her to let him sleep because he had to stay up late to study. He falls asleep looking so cute by the way. He won’t wake up so No Eul draws on his face, whiskers and all. His eyes snap open and he sits up. No Eul starts laughing uncontrollably with Shin Joon confused until she starts crying.

Shin Joon has that I don’t know what to do look that guys get when women cry, the deer in the head lights look. He realizes then that he wants to keep her by his side. Shin Joon runs into his father again and watches from afar. His father was elected and is at Shin Joon’s mother’s restaurant. Shin Joon’s uncle looks pained and so does Shin Joon.

Shin Joon’s mother is in the kitchen pretending her stomach hurts. Shin Joon offers her his back and yells at her to go with him to the doctor. It was a set up by one of the women on Shin Joon’s fathers team to bring them to Shin Joon’s mother’s restaurant. She wanted him to meet Shin Joon and OK (Shin Joon’s mother).

Shin Joon carried his mother out and the prosecutor recognizes him. He stops them and says he can take their car but he doesn’t. He remembers that Shin Joon was supposed to see him after he passed the bar but he never did. The prosecutor thinks he hasn’t passed yet, but he has. There’s a sweet moment between Shin Joon and his mother about how she can brag about him now. She cries.

There’s a recording of the prosecutor drunk and leaving with another woman who isn’t his wife. No Eul recorded it. Shin Joon calls her and she rejects it. He leaves her a message to come to him. She keeps ignoring his calls. He pulls out her ID card and stares at it fondly.

We see Shin Joon walking down the street, looks like he got her address off her ID card. No Eul calls the prosecutor and lists off the dates that he met Madame Song and the hostess bar. She tells him to withdraw and we see Shin Joon listening to her. No Eul says if he confesses she will burn the evidence of him with Madame Song.

Shin Joon sees her put the flash drive into her bag. No Eul calls a broadcasting company and heads over that way with Shin Joon following. Shin Joon steals a car and then steals No Eul’s purse. She chases after him and gets hit by a car. No Eul is rushed to the hospital.

Her brother is in the waiting room crying his eyes out and Shin Joon is sitting there in shock. He keeps picking at his hand until it starts to bleed, praying to God who he doesn’t believe in. He promises to give up all of the happiness that he has left in his life and to take him instead.

Jump back to Shin Joon pulling No Eul off the side of the bridge. He yells at her and says he will do the documentary.



OMG OMG OMG. This episode is INSANE. A lot of questions were certainly answered. We now know who this mysterious ajusshi is and the possible reason why No Eul thinks Shin Joon is an SOB.

Shin Joon is torn between No Eul and his father in this episode. The examples are all over the place and scenes are placed elegantly next to each other to emphasize this even more. Shin Joon wants to protect his father but he wants to be with No Eul. You can’t have the best of both world’s Shin Joon and he finds this out after No Eul gets hit. We have a bit of foreshadowing (not really but kind of) with Shin Joon begging God to save No Eul and take off his life instead. I guess he gets his wish because now he is sick and No Eul is still alive.

We find out that the ajusshi is actually the prosecutor’s son who is engaged to the girl who killed No Eul’s father – oh the tangled webs that are Kdrama. The world seems so much smaller in the Kdrama world. Ji Tae is sticking around No Eul because he knows what his father did and he feels guilty. I am assuming he never marries the girl because he knows what kind of person she is – the kind that hits a person and runs off.

We find out that the prosecutor is not an evil person but is a typical human trying to protect himself and his family. The congressman that is supposed to be his son’s father-in-law pretty much blackmails him to direct the police away from his daughter. It does not excuse his actions and I sincerely hope he pays for it in the coming episodes, but it does give us some insight into the matter.  Though I can’t say he is a great guy because he is cheating on his wife. I revise my earlier statement, he’s an a-hole.

The writers are doing a wonderful job so far. The fact that No Eul gets hit by a car like her father does is…. I can’t even find a word for it. It’s brilliant. It’s like a 1-2 punch. The scene transitions are smooth and the music is thought-out and fits and sets the mood of each scene. This drama gets better and better. And can I just say, the little brother with the crying scenes. Good job, kid.

We see more humanity in Shin Joon as he begs for No Eul’s life. His character has definitely been effected by her for the better. He is light-hearted, charismatic and not broody like he is now. I believe his actions toward No Eul and the consequences are what caused the shift in his personality. I believe Shin Joon realizes what his father has done and how it affected No Eul. I think he cannot forgive his father nor himself as his actions caused pain to the one he loves.

I enjoy watching the No Eul and Shin Joon flirt, even if No Eul doesn’t realize she is doing it. The two of them are so cute together, it hurts.

Overall I am enjoying this drama and have been surprised but some of the scenes. I did predict (while I was watching the show) that Shin Joon would take No Eul’s bag but I did not think she’d get hit by a car. Mega props for the twist.

On a side note, did anyone else notice that Jung Eun was wearing Louboutins? Where did they get the budget for those shoes?! And can I have a pair ;)

Burning Questions:

Why is Shin Joon and his mother separated? They had such a good relationship when Shin Joon was younger.

Star of this episode:

Okay so maybe I am a Kim Woo Bin fan but his character is just amazing – well his acting. The portrayal of this character is executed so well. I love watching Shin Joon evolve and I think I will enjoy watching him devolve back into an arrogant character, but I do need to give props to No Eul since she is the reason behind his evolution. So the stars in this episode are No Eul and Shin Joon (the main characters go figure). Their chemistry is so profound and is so fun to watch.


Winter Child by Suzy

I absolutely love how Kim Woo Bin (Shin Joon) plays and sings Suzy’s song (who plays No Eul). It’s just too perfect, why is Kdrama put together so well!


No Eul will know that Shin Joon was the cause behind her accident. This is why he is an SOB to her. They probably split up after she recovers, something along the lines of Get out or leave me alone will be said. Shin Joon may pay for her to be his girlfriend and she will do it. At some point she will find out he is sick. And they will get married and have lots of babies. Okay, the last part is just a dream but I do think they will get married and then Shin Joon will probably die. Sorry guys.

Shin Joon drops out of school. Not sure why yet, maybe because he realizes he doesn’t want to be like his father. Also, the reason No Eul is so much in debt is because of medical bills. She had to pay for the accident somehow – plus her father’s debts.

How did you like the third episode of Uncontrollably Fond? What are your predictions? Leave your thoughts below in comments J

See you for Episode 3!

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