Woochi begins as a tale set during the Joseon Dynasty. A magical flute has fallen into the hands of evil and monsters have begun to wreak havoc on cities. We are introduced to Woochi, played by Kang Dong-Won (A Violent Prosecutor) , a Taoist wizard, and his sidekick Chorangyi (Yoo Hae-jin) are prosecuted for a crime they did not commit. They are both sealed away in an ancient scroll by three taoist wizards and a man named Hwadam (Kim Yoon-Seok).
This film was very enjoyable to watch. As many fantasy type films, it is very easy to watch, but also a very interesting take on an old folktale. With any film where someone from the past ends up in the present, there is a lot of humor resulting from it. A prime example is when Woochi sees scantily-clad women dancing outside of a store. His friend explains they are advertising the opening of the store. Woochi's response is "Oh a Gisaeng House *(A prostitution house)", unamused. No..no just a barbecue restaurant.
This film has a lot of really cool, choreographed fight scenes with magic, talismans and people flying from rooftops. The visual affects to create the monsters was pretty decent as well. Compared to many other films from Asia, the graphics were more believable than others. Though at times, the monsters looked a bit fake for my liking. Still, they didn't bother me enough to dislike this film. Make sure to check the film out on Netflix or Hulu!
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