Welcome to the FINAL review of Click Your Heart. We are reviewing "EP 6-7" or Story B1 and B2 of the choose-your-own storyline drama, Click Your Heart, exclusively airing on DramaFever. If you have yet to do so, check out our review on the Prologue episode that aired yesterday HERE, Story A and B HERE and Story A1 and A2 HERE.
Episode Guide
Episode 1: Prologue: Ro Woon vs Cha Ni
Episode 2: Story A: Ro Woon vs Da Won
Episode 3: Story B: Cha Ni vs Ju Ho
Episode 4: Story A1: Ro Woon
Episode 5: Story A2: Da Won
Episode 6: Story B1: Ju Ho
Episode 7: Story B2: Cha Ni
*Bold= current review
Episode Guide
Episode 1: Prologue: Ro Woon vs Cha Ni
Episode 2: Story A: Ro Woon vs Da Won
Episode 3: Story B: Cha Ni vs Ju Ho
Episode 4: Story A1: Ro Woon
Episode 5: Story A2: Da Won
Episode 6: Story B1: Ju Ho
Episode 7: Story B2: Cha Ni
*Bold= current review
If you chose Story B "Dont' Go to Ro Woon", this is the review for you! We apologize for the delay in this review, but hope you enjoy it! Let's Start!
Did you decide to pick Ju Ho over Cha Ni? Then this is the right review for you! As the previous episode left off, Ju Ho had asked Min-Ah what she had meant to tell him the last time they had seen one another years/months ago.

To avoid the situation, Min-ah gets on the bus, only to be followed by Ju-Ho. Over the speaker, the radio is talking about a story similar to them. Once again, Min-Ah decides to avoid the situation again by trying to get off. Suddenly, the bus driver slams on his breaks, causing Min-Ah to fall into Ju Ho's arms. They have this adorable staring seen, before going back to their seats, where Ju Ho finally tells her he never wanted to break up with her. Then the bus breaks down and they are forced to get off.
Of course, no drama would be a drama without sudden rainfall! With the random rain, the two end up back at another bus stop, and Ju Ho gives Min-Ah his jacket. Awww. They continue talking about their relationship, and Min-Ah confesses that she was going to break up with him because of all the bad things that happened to him because of her bad luck. She felt that everything happened because of her and didn't want him to have to deal with it.

They finally make up, and get on the bus together. Ju Ho slowly leans over to give her the signature forehead kiss, but with her bad luck she sneezes, slamming her head into his nose. They laugh it off.
What did you think of this ending? Were you happy with your choice? Let us know in the comments below!
Did you decide to pick Cha Ni over Ju Ho? Then this is the right review for you! As the previous episode left off, Ju Ho had asked Min-Ah what she had meant to tell him the last time they had seen one another years/months ago.
Min-Ah is quick to answer, claiming she was going to break up with him, and that she still feels that way. Cha Ni suddenly bursts into the conversation calling her a liar, and saying that the accident Ju Ho was in was an accident and not her fault. Confused, Min-Ah asks how Cha Ni knew about the accident, then brushes it off as a rumor that had circulate the school. However, this scene was odd to me (Cha Ni in general was odd in the other episodes, but this made it clear to me why. More on this later) because Ju Ho would have heard Cha Ni and probably would have reacted but he didn't...hmm interesting.
The next scene cuts to Cha Ni and Min-Ah in the park. Together, they discuss how lucky lucky people are. Min-Ah explains that it is almost like they have guardian angels. With his over excitement, Cha Ni claims that he will be Min-Ah's guardian angel from now on and that he will give all his luck to her. He then tries to lean in for a kiss, but this scares Min-Ah away and she runs home. She runs away a lot in this show!
As Cha Ni makes his way home, the streetlight turns on and together, Cha Ni and the lamp light begins to glow. This is the first major showing that Cha Ni is not all that he seems to be. Though, I already had a feeling about him in the first episode he appeared. Were you surprised at this scene?
The next day, Min-Ah is running to school, and Cha Ni spots her from the roof. He calls out to her and tells her to tie her shoe so she won't trip. After doing so, Min-Ah is greeted by Da Won, who asks why she is looking at thin air. Min-Ah looks back to where Cha Ni was and he is gone.
Later, Min-Ah is live on air in the radio club where she tells a story about Cha Ni. She then begins to read a story that had been submitted. As she begins to read, she is overjoyed to see it is about Cha Ni, that is until she continues to read and sees that he was in a car accident and has been in the hospital for over 100 days.
She runs to the storage room where her and Cha Ni normally hang out. He is there waiting for her. Without saying anything, he slowly walks up to her, takes her face in his hands and kisses her forehead. Cue KDrama kiss shot from all angles! He then tells her he just completed his third fantasy and disappears into a glowing, blue light.
Viewers are then shown Cha Ni in the hospital bed. Min-Ah visits him and we find out he was involved int he same accident as Ju Ho, which is why he knew about the accident in the first place.
A year passes and Min-Ah is at school when she hears someone say Cha Ni's name. She turns to see him walking into the school, though she believes he is still just a mirage. That is until his group of friends approach him, clearly able to see him. She begins smiling, and when he finally sees her, he returns his smile, along with a big, goofy wave. Even though Cha Ni annoyed me at first, he storyline was actually pretty good.
What did you think of this ending? Were you happy with your choice? Let us know in the comments below!
What did you think of this drama?? Were you happy with your pick? Did you enjoy being able to pick your own storyline?
If you missed our other Click Your Heart episode reviews, click HERE.
If you missed our other Click Your Heart episode reviews, click HERE.
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