Today we are reviewing "EP 2-3" or Story A and Story B of the choose-your-own storyline drama, Click Your Heart, exclusively airing on DramaFever. If you have yet to do so, check out our review on the Prologue episode that aired yesterday HERE.
Episode Guide
Episode 1: Prologue: Ro Woon vs Cha Ni
Episode 2: Story A: Ro Woon vs Da Won
Episode 3: Story B: Cha Ni vs Ju Ho
Episode 4: Story A1: Ro Woon
Episode 5: Story A2: Da Won
Episode 6: Story B1: Ju Ho
Episode 7: Story B2: Cha Ni
*Bold= current review
Which option did you pick?? If you had a hard time deciding, don't worry! We have reviewed both episodes for you below!
If you chose Option A "Go to Ro Woon", you are in the right spot! Episode 1 left off with Min-Ah facing the predicament of responding to Ro Woon's text and meeting him in the locker room, or staying with Cha Ni. Personally, I would have chosen this option, because let's be honest...Ro Woon in a baseball uniform is wonderful.
Min-Ah ends up meeting Ro Woon in the locker room where he asks her to help wrap his hand because he "can't do it with one hand". As with every Kdrama guy, he purposely asks for her help because he actually likes her, and she falls for it, unaware of his feelings. She ends up wrapping his hand, and tieing it off with a bow, which Ro-Woon finds cute.
The show then cuts to Da Won who is waiting for Min-Ah to meet him at the playground. A flashback happens that shows that Da Won and Min-Ah's friendship goes all the way back to when they were little kids. In the flashback, it shows that Min-Ah once said when he became taller than her, they would date. After Min-Ah finally meets up with him, he subtly tells her of his feelings for her, but of course, she doesn't catch on.
The drama goes on to show that Min-Ah has become Ro Woon's assistant; carrying his bags, picking up baseballs, etc. Sweet Da Won comes to her aid, and together they watch as Ro Woon and a pretty girl pick a fight across the field. Once again, Min-Ah is so blind to the fact that Da Won clearly likes her! He has to glance down at her with that sad "pick me!" face!
Then it cuts to Min-Ah picking up all the baseballs left on the field. Ro Woon in all of his cuteness, decides he wants to mess with her by throwing balls she has already picked up, back onto the field. It leads to an adorable play fight between the two. During this time, Da Won texts Min-Ah asking for her to meet him again at the playground. Ro Woon sneaks a peak at her phone when she isn't looking and sees his text messages. Tsk Tsk.
After, Min-Ah and Ro Woon have a small chat in the locker room, where he finally gives Min-Ah the completed interview questions. He confesses to her that even though his hand is injured, he is thankful for the break from baseball. They share some sweet moments, and then he tells her to follow him. He takes her to a batting ring, and tells her if she can hit 5 balls, she will no long be his "slave". He then ends up teaching her how, by doing the always romantic move seen in the photo to the left. It is such an adorable scene, but Min-Ah never goes to meet Da-Won in the playground.
The next scene cuts to Da Won confronting Ro Woon by punching him right in the face. He tells Ro Woon to stop messing with Min-Ah, but Ro Woon fires back that it has nothing to do with him if him and Min-Ah enjoy hanging out together. Shocked, Da Won realizes he might lose Min-ah to Ro Woon. At the perfect moment, Min-Ah appears confused to see the two guys talking. Da Won and Ro Woon than confront her about her feelings for the two.
The scene freezes, and viewers are given the choice of A1. "Honestly, I don't Know" or A2. "He is just a friend". Who Will she choose? Who would you pick? Let us know in the comments below!
If you chose Option B "Don't Go to Ro Woon", you are in the right spot! Episode 1 left off with Min-Ah facing the predicament of responding to Ro Woon's text and meeting him in the locker room, or staying with Cha Ni. With this option, Min-Ah tell's Ro Woon she can't interview him anymore, and stays to talk to Cha Ni.
The episode, however, opens up to Ju Ho beating the crap out of a ton of dudes. Clearly, the mysterious character I previously thought he was going to be, was untrue. He is clearly the tough badass.
It then cuts back to Min-Ah and Cha Ni who once again is too forward (in my opinion). He continues his open flirting with her by telling her a secret, and then running away from her. As he does, he ends up tripping on the stairs and injuring his knee. He claims he is joking and continues to run off, playfully. At this time, Min-Ah runs into Ju Ho.
It turns out, Ju Ho and Min-Ah knew one another prior to Min-Ah transferring to this school. Flashback ensues, and we see that after a hard day, Ju Ho asks if she would like to go eat ddeokbokki (spicy rice cake) with him. We also find out, after they're first hang out, Ju Ho and his friend went to her old school to find her using a drawing he had done of her. Aw how sweet!
The shows comes back the the present where Min-Ah is sitting in class. Suddenly, Cha Ni appears outside of her classroom, yelling for her to come hang out. This leads to her getting in trouble and being sent out into the hallway. Cha Ni meets her there and in his obnoxiously, cute way, they some how end up randomly dancing in the hallway, before he disappears for lunch. Da Won then tells Min-Ah to go to the nurse for her cold.
Viewers then find out Cha Ni is part of a dance crew. One of the members injures himself, and they end up going to the nurse office. After a pretty funny scene, Cha Ni finds out that Min-Ah is resting in the nurse office. He quickly takes this as an opportunity to continue his extreme flirting with her. He explains how lucky he is to be laying across from here in the nurse's office. Soon after, Ju Ho appears behind the curtain. Unknowingly to Cha Ni's presence, he begins asking Min-Ah what she was going to tell him all those years ago.
The scene freezes and viewers are given the choice of B1. Open the Curtains or B2. Don't open the curtains. What will she do? Who would you pick? Let us know in the comments below!
Let us know who you have picked so far in the comments below! Make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with our reviews. Tomorrow the final 4 episodes will be released, and we will be here to review them!
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